Do you know that you can take over any PC with command prompt
1. like recover password
2. Trace any IP address
3. Gain any administrative privileges
4. Shutdown any computer via the internet
6. Hacking other PCs'
Now watch
4. Hide and unhide folders and lots more
lets' use
1. Open internet explorer or mozilla fire fox
2. Type
3. Now open command prompt
To Open Command Prompt
1. If your admin block it open notepad and type and save it as COE.bat or any thing but with ".bat" extension
4. When command prompt opens type
5. "tracert"
6. You should see some IP addresses use the last one 7. After search is finished command prompt will write finished
8. Type shutdown -i
9. A pop up menue will appear
10. By the left hand side click on add and add the ip address on the screen of command prompt use the last IP address
11. Now click on OK and wait.
Don't worry i'll help you recover it . Follow this
1. Place your Windows XP CD in your cd-rom and start your computer (it's assumed here that your XP CD is bootable ' as it should be - and that you have your bios set to boot from CD)
2. Keep your eye on the screen messages for booting to your cd Typically, it will be 'Press any key to boot from cd'
3. Once you get in, the first screen will indicate that Setup is inspecting your system and loading files
4. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to Setup Windows now
5. The Licensing Agreement comesnext - Press F8 to accept it.
6. The next screen is the Setup screen which gives you the optionto do a Repair.
It should read something like 'If one of the following Windows XP installations is damaged, Setup can try to repair it'
Use the up and down arrow keys to select your XP installation (if you only have one, it should already be selected) and press R to begin the Repair process.
7. Let the Repair run. Setup will now check your disks and then start copying files which can takeseveral minutes.
8. Shortly after the Copying Files stage, you will be required to reboot. (this will happen automatically ' you will see a progress bar stating 'Your computer will reboot in 15 seconds'
9. During the reboot, do not make the mistake of 'pressing any key' to boot from the CD again! Setup will resume automatically with the standard billboard screens and you will notice Installing Windows is highlighted.
10. Keep your eye on the lower left hand side of the screen and when you see the Installing Devices progress bar, press SHIFT F10. This is the security hole! A command console will now open upgiving you the potential for wide access to your system.
11. At the prompt, type NUSRMGR.CPL and press Enter. You have just gained graphical access to your User Accounts in the Control Panel.
12. Now simply pick the account you need to change and remove or change your password as you prefer. If you want to log on without having to enter your new password, you can type control userpasswords2 at the prompt and choose to log on without being asked for password. After you've made your changes close the windows, exit the command box and continue on with the Repair (haveyour Product key handy)
1. Open command prompt an type "net user yourname *"
2. If asked of password put a password
3. Type again "net user your name /ADD"
without the quotes
4. Now you are an admin
5. To delet the account type "net user yourname /DELETE
6. That is it.
Don't worry i will help you
1. All you have to do is just know your facebook ip address
2. Open your browser and put in the Ip followed by :80 eg if this did not work remove the :80 and type the Ip like that
1. Open notepad and type the following
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 500
hello world i'm sick. Pls shut me down
2. Click on file save as and save it as anyname.bat
3. Now open it your pc will shutdown after 500 seconds
4. To concel shutdown open command prompt and type 'shutdown/a' without the quotes .
How to use command prompt to do disk part like to hide/make invisible one of
1 First click on Start button to open "Run" and type "CMD" ( without the quotes) then press Ok button to open Command Prompt
2.Now type diskpart on the blinking cursor and wait for 5 seconds to appear diskpart> utility
3.To show the list of volume, type list volume command after the diskpart > prompt, this command will show you all system drives detail
4.Now first select the volume that you want to hide, for example,
if you need to hide F drive then first type "select volume 2" (in this case) and press enter button.
5.After loading volume, type "remove letter F" (in this case) to hide F drive
6.Now exit from command prompt and open My Computer to verify drives.
But next time, when you want to unhide the D drive, just run assign drive F command after loading volume
HOW to delete partition on my pc cause am having 2 XP and i want 2 remove one without formating d pc:
1.Open Command Prompt.
3.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
'list disk'
Make note of the disk number of the disk from which you want to delete the partition.
4.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
select 'disk n'
Select the disk n from which you want to delete the partition.
5.At the DISKPART prompt, type: '
list partition'
Make note of the number of the partition that you want to delete.
6.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
'select partition n
' Select the partition n that you want to delete.
7.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
' delete partition
There are other ways to do this too
HOW TO partition hard disk i used xp pls help i want to divide it into two:
WARNINGThis procedure describes how to set up a new, empty hard disk so that it is ready for an operating system to be installed on it. This process includes partitioning and formatting and results in a bootable hard disk. The procedure covers configuring the hard disk as a single large partition or splitting it into multiple, smaller partitions. The procedure provides specific instructions for using the FDISK program.
Partition Hard Disk (Multiple Partitions):
Follow these steps to set up your hard disk:
first open command prompt and type RUN FDISK.EXE after it opens type 'fdisk
A. Select from the FDISK menu "1. Create DOS partition or
B. Select "1. Create Primary DOS Partition". FDISK will verify drive integrity. Then it will ask if you want to use the maximum available size of the disk for the primary partition and set it active. Enter "N". The system will show the size of the entire disk in MB.
C. Enter the size of the primary partition. In our example, this would mean entering "1000". The system will tell you that it has created the primary partition, and will assign it the drive letter "C:".
D. Press {Esc} to return to the FDISK menu.
E. Select "2. Set active partition". Select partition 1. FDISK will report that it has set partition 1 active.
F. Press {Esc} to return to the FDISK menu.
G. Select from the FDISK menu "1. Create DOS partition or
H. Select "2. Create Extended DOS Partition". I. When prompted, press {Enter} to select the entire remaining area of the disk for the extended DOS partition. FDISK will report that it has created the extended DOS partition. J. Press {Esc}. FDISK will automatically prompt you to create your first logical DOS volume within the extended DOS partition.
K. Enter the size of the first logical partition (the second partition overall). In our example you would enter "800". FDISK will create the partition, label it "D:", and then say "
L. Repeat the previous step for the remaining partitions (in our example there would be two more partitions to create, the 700 MB and 600 MB ones). When all of the partitions have been created, FDISK will report "All available space in the Extended DOS Partition is assigned to logical driv
Reboot the system using either the Reset button or the "three-fingered salute" ({Ctrl}+{Alt}+{Delete}). Make sure the floppy disk is in its drive, since you still need it. Note that you may get "Invalid media type reading drive C" errors while rebooting. This is normal at this stage.
How to use command prompt to do disk part like to hide/make invisible one of
1 First click on Start button to open "Run" and type "CMD" ( without the quotes) then press Ok button to open Command Prompt
2.Now type diskpart on the blinking cursor and wait for 5 seconds to appear diskpart> utility
3.To show the list of volume, type list volume command after the diskpart > prompt, this command will show you all system drives detail
4.Now first select the volume that you want to hide, for example,
if you need to hide F drive then first type "select volume 2" (in this case) and press enter button.
5.After loading volume, type "remove letter F" (in this case) to hide F drive
6.Now exit from command prompt and open My Computer to verify drives.
But next time, when you want to unhide the D drive, just run assign drive F command after loading volume
guy am unable to unhide it. but na cd rom i use with cd inside it and every data about d cd at my computer is gone.
HOW TO use 2 cd rom in one pc at d same time
open up your system when i say open remove your cover use screw driver to remove the nuts
now do this
1. I assume that a cd rom is connected already and you want to add another one to make it two. If so check your mother board where the other cd rom IDE cable is connected there stimule be another space to support an IDE cable
Check this mother board carefully the IDE usually occupy one of the long plastic like lines
and those lines should be two in number if not two no way if yours is two congrate
Note by two i mean an extra one plus the formal one already in use.
Just put your IDE cable at the back of your cdrom fix the other to your mother board if you check well you'll see a white cable running down from the power pack that same cable is in the other Cd rom look the other carefully and do it. You can
HOW TO DELETE A PARTITION Start --> Run, type in CMD click ok
type DISKPART at the command prompt.You should next see the cursor change toDISKPART>
From here type in "list disk" you should see the hard drive listed as 0 From here type in "select disk 0" You should see a message that the Disk 0 is not the selected disk.Then type in "list partition" if you have two partitions they should show up Partition 1 and 2. Normally number 1 is the primary (c).That is where the OS is stored. type in "select partition 2" the message should come back as partition 2 is now selected.From here you can type in "delete partition. After deletion you can restart and then extend partition 1 by running through the commands above and instead of deleting type in "extend" (without the quotes)
it's a fresh one tested by me and confirmed working.
01. Go To Start --> Run or use Win Rkeys and type this cmd and press Ok after cmd is out type Diskpart
2. Once in Diskpart type list volume
3. This will list all the partitions. Now as in my example I want to Hide Partition G: and it has Volume no. 10. So my next command will be select 10 remember to change 10 to yours
03. Now as in my example I am hiding drive G: so my command will be remove g: now press enter
4. Goto my computer to confirm
tested and written by me (working)
Step 1:Open NotepadStep
2:Paste this code into
Step 3:Save it as fakevirus.exeStep
4:As soon as you save the fake virus, your anti-virus should delete it, if not open the fake virus and then it should delete If your anti-virus does not detect it, it is not working!
This code is very useful, i use it all the time with my other slow laptop. What is does is sends a command to your computer to increase the usage of your ram. So your computers speed is increased by 150%!!!!
Step 1: Open notepad
Step 2: Type in the following code mystring=(80000000)Step 3: Save it as ram.bat
Step 4: Open the file and you should notice that your computer is running surprising fast.
Here is a code that can toggle your caps lock on and off really fast and can annoy somone.
Step 1:Open notepad
Step 2:Type in:
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
Step 3:Save as caps.vbs
Step 4:Open it and your caps lock should turn on and off To stop it, open windows task manager by pressing ctrl, shift and esc. Press the process list and end the wsscript.exe
1.Open Command Prompt.
3.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
list disk
Make note of the disk number of the disk on which you want to create a primary or extended partition.
4.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
select disk n
Select the disk n where you want to create the primary or extended partition.
5.At the DISKPART prompt, type one of the following:
create partition primary
[ size= n ] [ offset= n ] [ ID= byte | GUID ] [ noerr ]
create partition extended [ size= n ] [ offset= n ] [ noerr ]
create partition logical
[ size= n ] [ offset= n ] [ noerr ]
6.At the DISKPART prompt, type:
assign letter = D
list disk: Display information about the disk eg size date of creation etc
select disk : Selects the specified disk, where n is the disk number, and gives it focus
creat partition primary : Creates a primary partition on the current basic disk. After you create the partition, the focus automatically shifts to the new partition. The partition does not receive a drive letter; you must use the assign command to assign a drive letter to the partition.
Create partition extended: Creates an extended partition on the current drive. After the partition has been created, the focus automatically shifts to the new partition. Only one extended partition can be created per disk. This command fails if you attempt to create an extended partition within another extended partition. You must create an extended partition before you can create logical drives.
Creat partition logical:
Creates a logical drive in the extended partition. After the partition has been created, the focus automatically shifts to the new logical drive.
Size=n: The size of the partition in megabytes (MB). If no size is given, the partition continues until there is no more unallocated space in the currentregion. The size is cylinder snapped; the size is rounded to the closest cylinder boundary. For example, if you specify a sizeof 500 MB, the partition would be rounded up to 504 MB
offset=n The byte offset at which to create the partition. If no offsetis given, the partition will start at the beginning of the first free space on the disk. For master boot record (MBR) disks, the offset is cylinder snapped; the offset is rounded to the closest cylinder boundary. For example, if you specify an offsetthat is 27 MB and the cylinder size is 8 MB, the offset is rounded to the 24 MB boundary.
ID=bytes [ GUID do not touch this if you are not an IT professional because misunderstand of this may cause your system to fail while booting.
Noerr: For scripting only. When an erroris encountered, specifies that DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did notoccur. Without the noerr parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code.
Assign letter D: Assigns a drive letter, D , to the volume with focus. If no drive letter or mount point is specified, the next available drive letter is assigned. If the drive letter or mount point is already in use, an error is generated.
open computer management to open
click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management
2. In the console tree, click Computer Management (Local), click Storage, and then click Disk Management.
3.Right-click an unallocated region of a basic disk, (look by the right of the formal disk window you should see the unallocated space) and then click New Partition, or right-click free space in an extended partition, and then click New Logical Drive.
4. In the New Partition wizard, click Next, click Primary partition, Extended partition, or Logical drive, and then follow the instructions on your screen.
aright guys today i will be showing you secrets
1.IExpress Secret-
Hidden Install Creator Instructions- Go to Start, Run, type iexpress
2.MS-DOS Editor Secret
-Hidden Text Editor Instructions- Go to Start, Run, type edit
3.Private Character Editor Secret-
Hidden Font Editor Instructions- Go to Start, Run, type eudcedit
4. Windows Media Player 5.1 Secret- Hidden Windows Media Player Instructions- Go to Start, Run, type mplay32 Windows Media Player 6.4 Secret-Hidden Windows Media Player Instructions- Go to Start, Run, type mplayer2
5.Device Manager Secret-Hidden Devices Instructions- Go to the "Control Panel", "System" icon, "Hardware"tab and select "Device Manager". Select "View" and Show hidden devices.Secret-Phantom Devices Instructions- Go to "Start","Programs", "Accessories" and select "Command Prompt". At the command prompt, type "set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1" and press Enter. At the command prompt, type "start devmgmt.msc" and press Enter. Select "View" and Show hidden devices. You can see devices that are not connected to the computer
6.Shutdown Secret-Display Hibernate Option on the Shut Down dialog Instructions- Go to "Start","Turn Off Computer..." and press either Shiftkey to change the"Stand By" button to "Hibernate"
hmmm do you know that you can kill what is called process with command prompt alright don't ask yourself what a process is it's not how to cool Lol you know what I mean now softwares usually run what is called process and it can be found in the task manager hmmm
now sometimes when your pc stops responding what do you do to it switch it off huh ok now to open task manager do this hold on this keys together CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or CTRL+ATl+DFl this will bring up task manager you can end the software process from there
now hear this it's exciting to know that command prompt too can do the same how open command prompt and do this type TASKlIST this will bring out many informations like this
hp.exe 5600
ie.Exe 56982 and so on now if i want to end any process i'll do this type TASKkILL 56982 56982 stands for the process id so in place of 56982 put yours if you can detect a virus you can end the process forever with command prompt by just type the code above
Command prompt is an already made software that comes alongside with the operating system to run command prompt
1. Click on start
2. Click on run and type either of this. cmd, or open notepad by clicking on run then type command.Com and save it as dominic.bat any one one will do
hmmm doyou know that you can kill what is called process with command prompt alright don't ask yourself what a process is it's not how to cook Lol you know what I mean now softwares usually run what is called process and it can be found in the task manager hmmm
now sometimes when your pc stops responding what do you do to it switch it off huh ok now to open task manager do this hold on this keys together CTRL SHIFT ESC or CTRL ATl DEl this will bring up task manager you can end the software process from there
now hear this it's exciting to know that command prompt too can do the same how open command prompt and do this type TASKlIST this will bring out many informations like this
ie.Exe 56982 and so on now if i want to end any process i'll do this type TASkILL 56982 56982 stands for the process id so in place of 56982 put yours if you can detect a virus you can end the process forever with command prompt by just type the code above
note the latter was wrong sorry about it
Type tskill 56928 this is d right code
If you are an administrator and you want to login to another account that is password protected how would you do it? This question is asked by many people well as for me you know what I'll simply do since I'm an administrator I'll simply
1 open command prompt
2 and type this net user = yourusername = *
this sign = represent space i mean give a space
this sign * represent astericks it must be inserted it denotes wide card
3. If you typed that correctly. Command prompt will ask you to enter a password' do not type any password just hit enter key two times and you should get a message like this THE COMMAND COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY
4. Login to that account quetly without password
NOTE know that by doing this you removed the persons password. And you replaced the password with nothing. To replace the password with your own desired password type the password when asked to instead of hitting enter twice
type net user yourname /ADD
for the password type
net user yourname * this will prompt you to enter a password twice
or you can still type net user yourname yourpassword then hit enter on the key board after that you can login that account with your password.
I just gave you two methods either will work.
Finally do this
net localgroup administrators yourname /ADD this will make you an admin
Now, this tip will be very
helpful for those who
frequently install windows
xp operating system.
Normally OS installation
takes around 40 minutes to complete, but through this
trick you can now save
10-15 minutes. This simple
tricks goes this way.
1. Boot
through Windows XP CD.
2. After all the files are completely loaded, you get
the option to select the
partition. Select “c”.
3. Now Format the partition,
whether it is normal or
quick with NTFS or FAT
4. Once the formatting is
completed, All the setup
files required for
installation are copied.
Restart your system by
pressing Enter.Now, here begins the Simple trick to
save 10-15 minutes.
5. After rebooting, you get
a screen where it takes 40
minutesto complete or
finalize the OS installation.
6. Now, Press SHIFT F10 Key
-> This opens command
7. Enter “Taskmgr”
at the command prompt
window. This will open Task
Manager. 8. Click the Process Tab,
here we find a process
called Setup.exe -> Right
Click on Setup.exe -> Set
Priority -> Select High or
Above Normal. Initially it will be Normal.Thats it, no more
work to do. Relax your self
and see how fast the
installation process
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